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EDN Hot 100 products of 2014: What you need to know about the top trends and solutions


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EDN Hot 100 products of 2014

EETimes Europe, 11/3/2014 Sensor IC offers precision current measurement Charged EVs Magazine, 10/20/2014 Unique Battery Pack Architecture patented by Sendyne Sensors Mag, 10/17/2014 NAATBatt Weekly newsletter Green Car Congress, 10/2/2014 Sendyne to Demonstrate Next-Generation Current Measurement System and Advanced Battery Model at The Battery Show EDN, 5/31/2014 Software Platform Simulates Operation of Hybrids, EVs Green Car Congress, 5/14/2014 Gamma Technologies Achieves Hybrid Electric Vehicle Simulation EDN Asia, 4/18/2014 Achieving accurate measurements of large DC currents Power Systems Design China, 4/10/2014 Sendyne Addresses New Energy Industry Needs in China Power Systems Design, 3/4/2014 University of Toronto and Sendyne to Present Innovative Power Supply Design for Mobile Devices at the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference The Battery Show, 2/10/2014 UBM Tech's EE Times and EDN Announce the Finalists for 2014 ACE Awards NY-BEST, 1/17/2014- EDN Hot 100 products of 2013: Analog EDN, 10/25/2013 Turnkey module from Sendyne precisely measures DC current EDN, 9/1/2013 Sendyne module precisely measures DC current from 3 mA to 500 A over the automotive temperature range GreenTech Media, 8/16/2013 Sendyne IC achieves ten-fold increase in dynamic range of current measurement Sensors Mag, 4/28/2013 High-accuracy current sensor boasts wide dynamic range Charged EVs Magazine, 4/16/2013 Sendyne developed a precision current sensor for electric vehicles Green Car Congress, 4/9/2013 Sendyne IC Achieves Ten-Fold Increase In Dynamic Range Of Current Measurement Automotive World, 10/8/2012 Sendyne awarded second patent for active cell balancing technology for large battery arrays GreenTech Media, 4/30/2012 GreenSmith, Sendyne, ARPA-E, and the Road to Better Battery Management Green Car Congress, 2/6/2012

The R&SRTE was highlighted at the Elektra awards as highly recommended in the test product of the year category in 2014. The Elektra european electronics industry awards have been recognizing technical innovation and commercial success in the industry for over ten years.

In 2014, Funkschau readers awarded the R&SRTE second place in the T&M Equipment category. The German trade journal's (circulation: 40,000) annual readers' choice award has become one of Germany's largest surveys in the ITC industry's B2B field. Around 7200 readers participated in the sixth iteration of this award in 2014.

In 2015, the R&SRTO and R&SRTE again achieved first place in the Test & Measurement category in the Elektronik readers' Product of the Year competition. This time, they won with an innovative 16 bit vertical resolution option (R&SHigh definition mode). This was the seventeenth time that the German trade journal's (circulation: 31,100) readers voted to select the 30 most interesting and innovative products in the electronics industry.

Awarded by the Institution of Engineering and Technology in the sectors of Embedded and Critical Systems and Electronics. The award celebrates the products, technologies, and processes that lead the way in engineering innovation.

PicoScope for Linux won the EDN Hot 100 Products of 2014 award, under the Test & Measurement category, for "converting a Linux PC into an oscilloscope, FFT spectrum analyser and measuring device".[8]

Owners of iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, or Apple TV products may obtain service and parts from Apple service providers, including Apple Retail Stores and Independent Repair Providers, for a minimum of 5 years from when Apple last distributed the product for sale.

Apple discontinues hardware service for certain technologically-obsolete products. Your device is supported by ongoing OS updates and backed by a network of more than 5,000 Apple-certified repair locations that you can count on if something unexpected happens.

For products purchased in France, see Statutory Warranties of Seller and Spare Parts. Owners of new iPhone or Mac laptop products purchased after December 31, 2020 in France, may obtain service and parts from Apple or Apple service providers for 7 years from the date the product model was last supplied by Apple for distribution into France.

Apple discontinues all hardware service for obsolete products, with the sole exception of Mac laptops that are eligible for an additional battery-only repair period. Service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.

In 2021, the U.S. food and beverage manufacturing sector employed 1.7 million people, or just over 1.1 percent of all U.S. nonfarm employment. In thousands of food and beverage manufacturing plants throughout the country, these employees were engaged in transforming raw agricultural materials into products for intermediate or final consumption. Meat and poultry plants employed the largest percentage of food and beverage manufacturing workers, followed by bakeries and beverage plants.

USDA outlays increased by 48 percent from fiscal 2006 to fiscal 2015 (fiscal years begin October 1 and end September 30), with the largest increase coming from food and nutrition assistance programs, which grew especially fast since fiscal 2008, reflecting higher recession-related participation and a temporary increase in per-person benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). An improving economy and expiration of the larger SNAP benefits caused growth of food and nutrition assistance program outlays to slow by fiscal 2012 and decrease in fiscal 2014. Outlays on Federal crop insurance also decreased in fiscal 2014 as extreme weather events subsided and crop prices declined. Commodity program outlays declined in fiscal 2015 with the passing of the new Farm Act in 2014. Food and nutrition assistance accounted for more than 73 percent of USDA outlays in fiscal 2015.

A few large store-based conglomerates effectively control a large proportion of the current Canadian non-auto retail sales environment. Our latest data shows that this long-standing trend has continued apace. In 2018, the ten largest conglomerates controlled 48 per cent of national retail sales, increasing from 43 per cent in 2014.

The increasing retail dominance is focused on the largest retail conglomerates on the RCG100 list, as the overall contribution to national sales of all 100 retail conglomerates slightly decreased from 2014 to 2018.

Store closures and merger/acquisition activities have resulted in some major changes in the RCG100 listing over time. For example, seven conglomerate closures occurred between 2014 and 2018, involving $6.6b sales, of which Sears ($4.2b) and Target ($1.3b) were by far the largest. Mergers and acquisitions amongst ten conglomerates impacted $37.3b in sales, centred on four of the largest conglomerates in 2018 (Weston, Empire, Metro and McKesson).

While the level of domination by the ten largest chains is about same for both 2014 and 2018, the 100 largest chains in 2014 contributed a greater share of national sales (65 per cent) than those in 2018. Thus, the difference in contribution to national sales between 2014 and 2018 is related to sales in chains ranked between 25th and 100th. Canadian headquartered chains contributed 6.4 percentage points less to the 2018 total than in 2014, while the contribution of chains headquartered in the US increased by 5.5 percentage points and from elsewhere in the world by 0.9 percentage points.

Paper and paperboard products made up the largest percentage of all the materials in MSW, at 23.1 percent of total generation. Generation of paper and paperboard products declined from 87.7 million tons in 2000 to 67.4 million tons in 2018. Generation of newspapers has been declining since 2000, and this trend is expected to continue, partly due to decreased page size, but mainly due to the increased digitization of news. The generation of office-type (high grade) papers also has been in decline, due at least partially to activities such as the increased use of the electronic transmission of reports. Paper and paperboard products have ranged between 28.4 and 23.1 percent of generation since 2010.

In 2018, plastic products generation was 35.7 million tons, or 12.2 percent of generation. This was an increase of 4.3 million tons from 2010 to 2018, and it came from durable goods and the containers and packaging categories. Plastics generation has grown from 8.2 percent of generation in 1990 to 12.2 percent in 2018. Plastics generation as a percent of total generation has varied from 12.2 to 13.2 percent over the past eight years.

In 2018, 2.7 million tons of selected consumer electronics were generated, representing less than 1 percent of MSW generation. Selected consumer electronics include products such as TVs, VCRs, DVD players, video cameras, stereo systems, telephones and computer equipment.

Measured by tonnage, the most-recycled products and materials in 2018 were corrugated boxes (32.1 million tons), mixed nondurable paper products (8.8 million tons), newspapers/mechanical papers (3.3 million tons), lead-acid batteries (2.9 million tons), major appliances (3.1 million tons), wood packaging (3.1 million tons), glass containers (3 million tons), tires (2.6 million tons), mixed paper containers and packaging (1.8 million tons) and selected consumer electronics (1 million tons). Collectively, these products accounted for 90 percent of total MSW recycling in 2018.

Worldwide, the proportion of children under age 5 who are overweight increased from 5 per cent in 2000 to 6 per cent in 2014. Overweight is a growing problem affecting nearly every region. Northern Africa has the highest prevalence of overweight children under 5 (16 per cent), followed by the Caucasus and Central Asia (12 per cent). Globally, 41 million children in this age group are overweight; almost half of them live in Asia and one quarter live in Africa. 2ff7e9595c

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